Monday, December 20, 2010

Urdu Doha

One of the most popular forms of poetry is Urdu Doha. It is infact an independent rhyming couplet in poetry. Doha not just written in Urdu language, also were written in Hindi as well. Many books have been written by famous poets and writers in which big stories have been penned in the form of Dohas. Among the most famous Dohas are those of Kabir, Tulsidas, Jamiluddin Aali, Rahim, Sarahpa, and Surdas.
Kabir’s Doha in Urdu was one of the most popular Dohas. Another famous person in Urdu Doha field is Rahim. His dohas are very simple and explain the morals of life in a straight forward way. Rahim has been written many famous Dohas, one of them is given:
“Rahiman Dekh Baden Ko, Laghu Na Deejiye Daari, Jahan Kaam Aawe sui, Kaha Kare Tarwari.”
In this Doha Rahim Says; don’t ignore the small things when you see big ones. Everything has its own use. A sword is of no use where a needle comes handy.

1 comment:

  1. this article is a very short review of the genre Doha.there is difference in the rhyme schemes or bahar in the Doha of jamiluddin aali and others. the difference between Dohra and Doha needs mention. one name that has been omitted is that of the versatile genius Amir modern era noted Doha writers have been parto roheela, dil Nawaz dil, dr jameel azimabadi,Sultan Akhtar and arman najmi. dr s. hassan
